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Modeling Practice Drawings 152

Circle c1 = new Circle(new Point3D(0, 0), 30); Circle c2 = new Circle(new Point3D(105, 0), 21); devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region creg1 = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(c1, Plane.XY); devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region creg2 = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(c2, Plane.XY); Arc l1top = (Arc) U…

by Alberto Bencivenni | April 09, 2021 | Share


Swivel Handle

double y1 = 5.62; double y2 = 7.11; Line lineint = new Line(-50, y1, 0, y2); Point3D first = lineint.IntersectWith(new Circle(new Point3D(0, 0), 15))[0]; Arc a1 = new Arc(new Point3D(0, 0), new Point3D(15, 0), first); Point3D second = lineint.IntersectWith(new Circle(new Point3D(-50, 0), 14))[0];…

by Alberto Bencivenni | April 07, 2021 | Share


CAD Practice Drawings 124

private const string DimLayer = "Dimension", ThinLayer = "ThinLayer", DashDot = "DashDot"; design1.Layers[0].LineWeight = 2; design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(DimLayer, Color.CornflowerBlue)); design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(ThinLayer)); design1.LineTypes.Add(DashDot, new float[] { 30, -5, 5,…

by Alberto Bencivenni | April 07, 2021 | Share


Swing Arm

Circle c1 = new Circle(Plane.XY, new Point3D(0, 0, 0), 25.0); Circle c2 = new Circle(Plane.XY, new Point3D(100, 0, 0), 12.0); Circle c1_inner = new Circle(Plane.XY, c1.Center, 18.0); Circle c2_inner = new Circle(Plane.XY, c2.Center, 6.0); Circle c3_inner = new Circle(Plane.XY, new Point3D(c2.Cent…

by Federico Fucci | March 03, 2021 | Share


2D CAD Exercises 57

const string Dim = "Dimension"; const string DashDot = "DashDot"; design1.LineTypes.Add(DashDot, new float[] { 20, -2, 2, -2 }); design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(Dim, Color.CornflowerBlue)); design1.Layers[0].LineWeight = 2.5f; // Y axis Line axisY = new Line(0, -45, 0, 45) { LineTypeMethod = c…

by Federico Fucci | March 03, 2021 | Share


Eyeshot 2021 Released 🍾

Bologna, Italy — February 5, 2021. devDept Software S.r.l., leading provider of software development tools to the engineering industry, today announces the release of Eyeshot 2021, the native CAD control for .NET Framework. What's new in Eyeshot 2021 Drafting Hatch entity (Video, can be…

February 05, 2021 | Share


Modeling Practice Drawings 142 + Drawing

// sets model units in millimeters design1.Units = linearUnitsType.Millimeters; double hBoxWidth = 50, hBoxHeight = 140, hBoxExtr = 10; //VerticalBox Dimensions double vBoxSideBig = 55.5, vBoxTop = 50, vBoxSideSmall = 8, vBoxRadius = 18; //Slot Dimensions double …

by Leone Ruggiero | January 14, 2021 | Share


Add to scene as single object

The following code is a sample of the main steps to insert the contents of a file inside a Block and create a BlockReference that refers to it. ReadSTEP readFile = new ReadSTEP(fileName); readFile.DoWork(); // Merge the master collections loaded from the file with the Environment ones // In case o…

by Simone Maccaferri | November 04, 2020 | Share


Eyeshot 2021 Beta

devDept Software is proud to announce the Eyeshot 2021 Beta program. The list of new features ready to be tested in this build follows. With regard to toolpath generation, we are still focusing on toolpath accuracy and computation speed, we will add proper leads and linkings so…

October 29, 2020 | Share


Multi-file and lazy loading

Eyeshot 2021 introduces a new feature that allows you to save the entire scene to multiple files using the Eyeshot proprietary file format. With this feature, you have the flexibility to work on a file representing a single component and observe its changes when loading the entire assembly (video),…

by Marcello Stagni | October 09, 2020 | Share